Spaces & Empowerment

The transgender practices of a drag artist at night, in a queer and burlesque show

2018 – 2019

Master’s degree of Hypermedia and smart spaces


Written between 2018-2019 under the direction of Mr Ibanez – Bueno Jacques (professor at Savoie Mont-Blanc University).

It is in line with queer theories that I placed this student research work in the field of Visual Methods which allowed me to do anthropological research using 360° cameras and participants observations. Thereby, this research considers the broad field of Cultural Studies; a field that allowed me to conceive theories as toolboxes (following a reflection led by Gilles Deleuze was taken by Sam Bourcier) in which queer studies predominantly fit.

| Participant observation < Rehearsal and Show />

My approach is part of what anthropologist Margaret Mead was one of the first to exploit with her colleague Gregory Bateson, namely the practice of photography and film. These practices now feed anthropology and ethnography, such as digital ethnography, as theorized in 2015 by Australian anthropologist Sarah Pink, or filmed anthropology like that of French Christian Lallier. Thus, some considerations emitted by the “father” of the ethno fiction, the French director Jean Rouch support my approach. Finally, my approach takes as reference and as a more artistic landmark, the experience offered by the British director Derek Jarman who in 1984 for his documentary ”Will You Dance With Me?” spent the night at Benjy’s, a London gay club of the time. Pieces of discussion stolen here and there are recorded and the bodies of the party-goers on the dance floor are filmed.

Participant observation with the drag artist VRSUS during his rehearsal and his performance at Benelux Bar for the Benediction, Rituels Exceptionnels show

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