With Ghislaine Chabert, we organized in 2008 in a research group of the University Savoie Mont-Blanc in Annecy (France) a first international event on visual methods entitled “Visual and sensory methodologies to research and represent hypermedia and virtual practices. Dorle Drackle (DE), Edgar Gomez Cruz (ES), Francesco Lapenta (DK), Sarah Pink (UK), Izabel Meister (BR), José da Silva Ribeiro (PO) and Giuseppe Losacco (IT) were present. It was an opportunity to discuss in scientific terms the research works in social sciences made up of both written documents and audiovisual productions (film; website; video game; hologram; application; etc.).
The first objective of this Web site is to contribute to the continuation of the epistemological discussion on these visual and digital methods which evolve. For that, it is necessary to preserve works, in a context of fast obsolescence of the software and difficulties of the research groups and the libraries to archive correctly these works. This is why we try to preserve works that we have directed or co-directed, despite the disappearance of some productions.
This site takes the name of a multidisciplinary exhibition that took place in 2011 at the University of North Texas in Dallas Denton (USA): visualdistance.com

2021, Ibanez Bueno Jacques, Marin Alba, « Méthodes visuelles et nouvelles écritures interactives », Revue française des méthodes visuelles, N°5, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Bordeaux, https://rfmv.fr/

Website designed by Colin Bolk

Visual Distance Exhibition

Visual Distance is an exhibition which explores the sensations and the effects of wireless communication technologies on inter-personal relationships. The works in the exhibition address issues of research practices, such as film, visual arts and anthropological studies. The exhibition is an expansion of a research project conducted by faculty and students from the Radio Television and Film, Antropology and Studio Art Department of the University of North Texas and the University of Savoie in Annecy-France.

2014 J Ibanez Bueno, Melinda Levin, Susan Squires, Jenny Vogel, “Uses of FaceTime and video calls: Multiple approaches and exhibition” in So Multiples, n° 6, www.so-multiples.com

Jacques Ibanez-Bueno - Liliana Valentinova Petrova


Muséomix and the Museum of Art and History of Geneva called on students in Master 1 Hypermedia and Communication from the University of Savoie Mont Blanc to carry out a qualitative survey on their cultural manifestation.

Muséomix is ​​an international cultural crossroads which brings together for three days scientific, artistic and creative talents to experiment, create and manufacture innovative cultural mediation devices accessible to all in the joy, inventiveness and good humor.

2015, Chabert G. & Ibanez Bueno J. « Une méthode pour repenser la relation d’un musée à son public : le cas Museomix » in Bonaccorsi J.

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Ghislaine Chabert - Jacques Ibanez Bueno - Students in Master Hypermedia and Communication

Political Hologram

Modalities of the process of holographic communication

2018 Luis Felipe Ramirez Alvarado et Jacques Ibanez Bueno «The visual representation of the hologram : a comparative approach to its political and social uses » in Visual methods for research in the fields of communication, International conference, labellisé SFSIC. La Laguna, Espagne, 3-4/12/2018

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Luis Felipe Ramirez Alvarado - Jacques Ibanez Bueno

FIFA Videogame

This project is a research and analysis accomplished by students of master 2 Image Interactivity International.

The research focuses on the gaming process (offline or online) in situational terms. Playing a video game is considered as a particular situation, including the body, the screen, the joystick as well as numerous other factors (perceptions, emotions, sensations). What are the perception and the personal projections of the users in the case of FIFA 16?

2016, Jacques Ibanez Bueno & Lilyana Petrova, “FIFA 16: a Wii or a board game?” in Science & Football, International Congress, Laboratoire Devisu, University of Valenciennes, 1-4 March

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Sercan Atan - Johanna Bartels - Remi Fioretti - Erwin Le Coroller - Sarah Meynet - Mohammad Hussein Jafari

Serious Game

This collaborative project involved a digital images laboratory, a leading company in the field of serious games, and the hospital of Annecy.

2014, J Ibanez Bueno, G Chabert, S Allain, “Serious games: new media in a public institution?” Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, pp. 104 to 124.

Balthazard Caroline - Briand Francois-Xavier - Hervet Vanessa - Vasina Beatrice - Xu Ziyue


Practices of workers in an industrial company: telepresence with images and sounds.

2006 Chabert Ghislaine, Ibanez Bueno Jacques, 2006, Télé-présence avec images et sons (T-PIS) et communication organisationnelle, Actes du Colloque International en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication “Pratiques et usages organisationnels des Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication”, Université de Rennes 2, 7-9 septembre 2006, pp 82-87.

Lire la vidéo

Ghislaine Chabert - Jacques Ibanez-Bueno

Filming employees in video-meeting

A specific methodology was adopted to observe employees, using image and sound capture within the company.

2015 Ghislaine Chabert & Jacques Ibanez Bueno, «Filming employees in video-meetings: questions on a methodology focusing on image and sound capture», French Journal for Media Research [online], Full text/Numéros en texte intégral, 4/2015 Les médias en Afrique du Sud – Varia, Varia, last update the : 03/07/2015, URL :http://frenchjournalformediaresearch.com/lodel/index.php?id=558

Ghislaine Chabert - Jacques Ibanez-Bueno

Bodily @pperception

Bodily implication of the Webcam users.

2011, Jacques Ibanez Bueno, “@perception corporelle – bodily @pperception : hypermédia et construction méthodologique » in Fronda Y., Courtois G., Rencontres entre artistes et ingénieurs autour du numérique. Modalité et Glocalité, L’Harmattan, Paris, pp. 243-260

2008, Jacques Ibanez Bueno, @perception corporelle (Bodily @pperception), film documentaire, Production  Ibanez-Bueno / ImagesPassages, DVD, 2008, 26 minutes

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Jacques Ibanez-Bueno - Imagespassages

The Parkour Method

The Parkour Method is a visual and interdisciplinary methodological proposition advanced by Lilyana V. Petrova. Constructed in three stages, this methodological arrangement is adapted to the observation of mobile fields and more widely to the study of mobilities.

Petrova, Lilyana, Les pratiques numériques en situation de mobilité : approches interdisciplinaires et visuelles de mobilité, Doctorat Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, sous la direction de Jacques Ibanez Bueno & Ghislaine Chabert, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, 27/10/2017

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Lilyana Valentinova Petrova

Investigate creating images

This VR project was created in an experimental way to create an immersive visual experience associated with research on contemporary digital documentary.

Marín Carrillo Alba, Le documentaire contemporain : entre journalisme audiovisuel et vidéo-art, Doctorat de Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, Doctorado de Comunicacion, sous la direction de Contreras Medina Fernando & Ibanez Bueno Jacques, Universidad de Sevilla & Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, Co-tutelle, 25/11/2019

Alba Marin

Corporate communication in Mexico and South korea

The impact of communication and leadership on organizational culture: an analysis between two companies from different countries by Ambar Gallegos Arredondo.

Gallegos Arredondo Ambar Eugenia, Analyse de l’impact du multiculturalisme sur la communication des sociétés transnationales, Doctorado de Comunicacion & Doctorat de Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, sous la direction de Rogelio del Prado Flores & Ibanez Bueno Jacques, Universidad Anahuac Mexico & Université Savoie Mont-Blanc Co-tutelle, 13/10/2020

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Ambar Gallegos Arredondo


Noa Real Garcia was able to carry out three projects related to the visual presentation of the results of her thesis research, in collaboration with three students from the Master Création Numérique at the University Savoie Mont Blanc. For this, a world of good design was created in virtual reality, which contained: an exhibit of animated posters created according to the concepts of good poster design, a wall with quotes on good design, a game in which the user must choose which one of two poster proposals is most appropriate, and also a short video in 360º introducing the space created in virtual reality, which represented the final project brought to life.

Real Noa, Analyse et évolution de l’affiche touristique et des fêtes traditionnelles, Doctorado de Design & Doctorat de Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, sous la direction de Ruiz Alfonso & Ibanez Bueno Jacques Universidad de La Laguna, & Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, co-tutelle, 13/11/2020

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Lucas Leigneil - Tom Abed - Thomas Pactole - Noa Real Garcia

A social capital perspective from communication processes

The following work aims to study the motivations to participate and publish in social networks. We use the concept of social capital from Bourdieu to understand this scenario where the possibility for the people to make online contributions and participate has become almost an obligation to exist. The object of this research is a Facebook group made by almost 130.000 women that is focused in to discuss the choice of not taking hormones as a form of contraception.

2018 Correia Carole & Ibanez Bueno, Jacques, « A political process of Brazilian women using a social network » International Visual Sociology Association (ISVA) International Conference, 2018 – Université d’Evry, France, June 25-28

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Carol Correia

Spaces & Empowerment

Jordan Emery explores the transgender practices of a drag artist at night, in a queer and burlesque show.

Emery Jordan, Corps, espaces et numérique : les potentialités queer contemporaines dans la constitution de contre-espaces politiques, Doctorat de Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, sous la direction de Ibanez Bueno Jacques, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, 2020-2024

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Jordan Fraser Emery